Coaching optimises performance in your organisation.

How coaching rapidly optimises your workplace


An effective coaching program improves employee and organisational resiliency. It helps to create confident and innovative environments. When I think about all the times I’ve received good coaching, I know I came away feeling empowered to do my job well. I knew that I was a valuable employee with the skills needed to do the tasks required. Many people I’ve spoken to feel the same way.

Here’s why coaching is such a powerful tool, and why you should ensure your organisation understands its worth.

How does coaching optimise a workplace?

Removes roadblocks

Having a poor understanding of how to do the job you’ve been employed to do is a significant productivity road block. Employers cannot afford to have inefficient employees. As an employee, knowing you’re slow or ineffective is not good for employee job satisfaction or wellbeing either.

Coaching enables employees to become self-reliant and contribute more effectively to workplace productivity.

Coaching allows employees to remove road blocks.Coaching allows employees to remove road blocks and know they’re contributing effectively.

Ensures employees are always growing and developing

Whether for the benefit of the organisation or personal career growth and development, coaching helps employees gain new skills and access new opportunities. With highly trained and competent employees, both the company and the individuals have a competitive edge.

For employees, they grow their skills quickly and with a useful support network around them. They may get to know colleagues in other departments as a result, and start making useful career connections internally.

Organisations forgo the cost of an external trainer by asking someone in-house to coach. They also benefit from employees forging new connections and creating a tight-knit, supportive culture. It’s exactly this type of environment that keeps the best people.

Coaching can be an excellent way for managers to help their team members grow in confidence.

Improves courage and creativity

Employees who have received effective coaching are typically confident in their ability to contribute value to their team. They know they understand the challenges and can present worthwhile solutions. This makes them more confident in speaking up during problem solving. Knowing they can add value, they’re also more likely to think outside the box to form creative solutions.

Coaching can be an excellent way for managers to help their team members grow in confidence. It can be used in conjunction with training courses in assertiveness skills or speaking with confidence.

Encourages resilience

Who do you think of when naming resilient colleagues? I’ll bet many of the people you think of are confident in their work-related abilities. High confidence naturally translates into resilience because you know that making an error or being asked to adapt your working practices aren’t the same as being bad at your job.

People who’ve been coached, rather than constantly measured, are much more likely to feel positive about their abilities. They’re likely to be more resilient to feedback or change.

Coaching helps employees with confidence.Effective coaching gives employees confidence.

Why is coaching such a quick optimisation strategy?

The most obvious answer is that you can start today. There’s no need to wait until an external trainer is available. Internal coaching also means that the employee being coached can schedule time to follow up on anything they’re not quite sure about.

Furthermore, when you train key managers and leaders in how to coach, you start to embed it as a culture. Employees will see that helping others to learn new skills is part of the organisation. They’ll know they can ask for additional coaching straight away, rather than sitting on a problem for a while.

This culture shift is incredibly powerful, especially if you have trained coaches inside your organisation, who can ensure coaching is managed effectively.

To empower your leaders, take a look at our professional coaching course. We’re happy to come in-house and deliver to groups, to ensure your organisations truly gets the most out of coaching.

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