How is project management like a Shakespeare play?

How is project management like a Shakespeare play?


Project management is like a Shakespearean play. While there is (hopefully) less drama and tragedy involved, the process follows a very similar pattern.

In particular, workplace projects need to embrace the three-act structure. A great project management strategy will have a beginning, middle and end. Or, more appropriately, a planning stage, execution and follow-up.

If you’ve been given the opportunity to lead a project, it is important that you undertake project management training to ensure you are on the best possible footing.

To help you reach your full potential, here is some more information regarding the three acts of project management.

Planning – “All the world’s a stage”

Before a project can get off the ground, the proper stage must be set. This is achieved by thorough planning.

A project manager needs to know the scope and goal of a project from the very beginning. Once this knowledge has been outlined, then the team can work on choosing the right time and place for actioning the plan.

Execution – “Action is eloquence

While the project is underway, actions will always speak louder than words. Make sure that you are in the thick of it, and supporting your team directly.

If you don’t have time to contribute directly, it is important to review the work as it is completed. This will ensure that any minor mistakes don’t develop into major problems before you catch them.

Finalisation – “A happy ending cannot come in the middle of the story”

A project manager’s job is not finished when a project has reached completion. Instead, the third act begins.

This is when project managers need to stay in communication with their team, clients and supervisors. Check in with the results of the plan regularly to ensure your processes remain beneficial. This should make it easier to replicate the success in future projects.

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