Essential Leadership and Management Course testimonials


Finsure – Mohammad

"Very clear, informative and visually interesting. Brenda is amazing as usual! Great job and so much learnings from this session. Awesome work!"


Service Victoria – Ryan

"Very thoroughly prepared and professional sessions. Most valuable was learning how to manage difficult conversations."


NPC Media – Tom

"Steve has a great energy and impressively builds rapport with the whole room getting us all to interact. The ideas brought forward are viable for both in and out of the workplace. I'm hoping to finesse the artful questioning style."


Western Health – Participant

"Easily the best program I've attended! It would be great for WH to offer this program again in 2024 to capture the rest of the Grade 3 cohort to really embed these leadership skills. Everyone in our cohort really enjoyed it and have all been able to practice and implement the skills. (so rare for a PD for everyone to love it AND be able to implement so quickly). "


Mt Alexander Shire Council – Tammy

"Extremely valuable. Very thorough content, presented confidently and professionally."


Wyndham City Council – Participant

"This was honestly the most engaging training I have done in a long time. Mark was fantastic, it was fast paced and he was able to adapt the session to accommodate specific needs."


West Gate Tunnel Project – Allan

"Great leadership course, it’s always good to sit down and reflect on areas where we can improve as managers. Mark is a great facilitator, really enjoyed it."


YMCA Victoria – Chelsea

"Loved it! Upbeat, learnt a lot and laughed a lot. Thank you! It was amazing. It’s honestly been the best two full days of training I have attended."


Acusensus – Greg

"Brenda was fantastic. Very engaging and I feel the team got a lot out of today’s session."


City of Monash – Participant

"Ian was an excellent presenter who kept us all engaged with relevant content and there was a high level of participation and activity, with many take away learnings. Thoroughly recommend this particular course."


YMCA Victoria – Zoe

"It was a great training session, very helpful. Good format and structure and break our groups. Timed well. The trainer Ian was fantastic - very engaging. We talked a lot about communication and feedback."


Finsure – Jackie

"Brenda led the session so well while allowing just the right amount of participation from the attendees. Brenda was fantastic and really tailored the training to the people in the room to ensure we got a lot out of the day."


Tequa Plumbing – Jacob

"The training was conducted well and Matt was engaging. Especially given the mix of audience from operational techs, administration staff and managers. Well done."


Negri Contractors – Elley

"Excellent work in presenting the material. Mark kept it engaging and anecdotal evidence really helped understand the topic further."


Camfil Australia – Jonathan

"Greg was excellent. Adjusted his level of teaching to suit a team that had not done much of this type of training and did it in a lighthearted way. Kept everyone engaged. The interactive parts were well done. Thanks, Greg, for guiding us through the early stages of our development journey."


Laser Plumbing – Tristan

"Matthew is a very clear, engaging and effective trainer. Definitely one of the most engaging training programs I’ve attended."


Brodware – Annabel

"I love the fact that Jeff engages with the audience. Making eye contact and making sure to deliver his knowledge on leadership."


Ray White – Andrew

"Martin has a very friendly and cooperative approach. Really loved digging into the different personality types and how to work with them."


Costa Group – Participant

"Definitely the best and most interactive training I have been in. The environment of the facilitator and group was very comfortable and everyone was able to share their own thoughts. "


SWSPHN – Nadine

"Brenda is engaging, communicates and presents well and creates a great balance between learning, doing and reflecting."


YMCA – Bianca

"Ian was very positive personable and professional. It was a really enjoyable and well planned out session."


Nationwide Group – Michelle

"Simon is an awesome facilitator! So easy to listen to and stay tuned into! Left me wanting more!"


Hub Australia – Rohit

"Delivery was fantastic, very engaging! Simon’s delivery style is amazing. I was glued to the session the whole time, was able to relate and implement few things straight away. All the others will continue to build overtime with skills learned today."


Bostik – Margarita

"Justine was very knowledgeable, appreciate her sharing fresh insights and real world experiences which made the session more informative and engaging. I’ve enjoyed the training as it was filled with practical techniques I can use to increase my confidence and improve my performance at work."


YMCA – Adele

"Justine spoke so well in presenting the Management 101 Training. I really like the way she slowed down with the presentation and asked questions. Justine gave us all a great insight into a better way to manage and approach staff. I think this will be valuable training that can be used more widely with the Y Geelong team. I thank you Justine for the time and effort you put in. Great training and great trainer!"


Godfreys – Tyler

"Justine was extremely open and motivated which made the experience much more enjoyable. 10/10 experience, thank you for offering this! It's been an extremely valuable experience."


Negri Contractors – Chris

"I've really enjoyed these workshops and they have definitely added to my knowledge. It has already helped me to structure my leadership style."


Impressive Digital – Bronwyn

"The team found the day very engaging and have started to use the techniques shared on the day. They were simple and easy to implement"


Costa Group - Sean

"Suzanne is a fantastic trainer – she is knowledgeable, engaging and adaptive to her audience. She takes a genuine approach and is one of the most effective and talented instructors that I have encountered. Suzanne makes genuine effort to make connections and engage all group members effectively. "


Lely Australia – Jurgen

"This Essential Leadership course is a must-do for every leader new and old. Relevant to my role."


Bastow Institute – Michelle

"This was a full 2 days of training touching on difficult conversations, delegation and learning to listen to staff. I really enjoyed Mechelle’s presentation style and encouragement to test new skills on fellow participants. "


NPS MedicineWise – Linda

"Brenda took the time at each step to get feedback from each person in the group, personalising the material as appropriate and making sure everyone felt heard and connected with the material."


Asahi Beverages – Andy

"Justine has a very positive presence, I really enjoy the interactive discussions and feeling comfortable to share. Great to complete a session on culture as this is a big focus for me on my team. Building and maintaining the great culture we already have. Transferring the Asahi behaviours into tangible and relatable actions. I look forward to workshopping this with my team."


Hub Australia – Ryan

"Loved Mechelle’s presentation and facilitating style — this course was excellent!"


Godfreys – Rhomar

"Justine was excellent and I left feeling more confident and hoping to use the knowledge I learnt in my future goals in achieving the position I want to pursue."


The Darnell Group – Participant

"Kylie is such an amazing speaker with lots of useful knowledge to share. Overall it is amazing – one of the best workshops I have attended. "


Tandem Building Group – Gabby

"The program was very beneficial since the company is growing and I need to be current – learning about leadership was very important. Mark used good real life examples, that can be put into practise straightaway. Thank you Mark! "


Department of Education NSW – Rita

"Sarah did a fantastic job, I felt engaged and learnt a great deal. I would have loved to do this face to face but I didn’t feel the impact of the online session negatively. It ran very smoothly and felt very interactive."


Symbion Pharmacy Services – Emily

"I thought Brenda was wonderful, she was extremely engaging, there was plenty of interaction throughout the workshop and she made me feel extremely comfortable in a situation that can at times be a little daunting. I took some valuable information away from the workshops and I think it’ll allow me to be a much better manager moving forward. I would highly recommend the workshops to anyone who asked."


The Ironman Group – Eve

"Simon was very engaging. Normally training becomes very tedious and tiring but this was engaging the whole time and the activities helped with conversation and honesty."


Herron Todd White – Rosheen

"Thanks Sarah, I’ve really enjoyed the program and thought your presentations and delivery were excellent."


Flyash Australia – Mark

"Brenda did a great job and had everyone’s attention for the duration of the course which is not easy to do."


MediRecords – Rachel

"Steve has a wonderful way of getting through the content without you realising that you have gotten through it. His style of recognising, flexing and adapting to the needs of the group and individuals is great! Would love to work with Steve again and will be in touch re possible future workshops for the team."


Australian Council for Educational Research – Jess

"This was the most useful, enjoyable and practical workshop I have attended since being at ACER. Thank-you."


CSD Brands – Rebecca

"Truly wonderful and very motivating, I really have some clarity now around strengths and weaknesses in my leadership style and feel more equipped to tackle them."


Royal Victorian Eye and Ear Hospital – Cordelia

"A very engaging presentation with great information & tips. The activities were at the right level, illustrated points well & proved very memorable for follow-up discussion amongst the team."


TFG Group – Kate

"Mark was fantastic, engaging and knowledgeable. I really loved how practical the session was. Lots of great tools and tips, without getting bogged down in theory. I also appreciated the time Mark took to customise the session to suit our needs - a great result! "


Negri Contractors – Robert

"Matthew was a great presenter who shared personal experiences. He also gave us adequate time to think for ourselves and discuss in small groups and the entire group who attended the training today."


Corona Manufacturing – Dipal

"The workshop was excellent, very interactive and kept us engaged throughout the workshop."


Swatch Group Australia – Adam

"Joanne was insightful, relevant and energectic. Joanne was a fantastic facilitator. Stories were short and succinct and the focus was on the participants."


BTI Logistics – Participant

"Mark presented well with relevant, clear and useful techniques."


Shelde – Emmanuel

"The information was topical and I can apply it to my role immediately. Great format, I liked how we could get a diverse range of people from our company into one room (Virtual) to discuss our thoughts on the topics."


The Darnell Group – Kiani

"Kylie was very knowledgeable and provided very valid information for life in general not just for leadership. I think it was very efficient and provided a lot of very valuable information that will be great to bring back to the workplace."


Bitu-mill – Adam

"Would like to really thank you Justine for your insight and time into opening our mindset into new avenues of leadership. Great program. Justine did a great job in the current environment (COVID19). Thank you again."


Shelde – Mariette

"Justine was great I found her super engaging. She provided really good examples of ways to implement what we are learning in the workshop which I thought was of huge value."


Toxfree Karratha – Karen

"A walking/talking Wikipedia and so well presented, great role plays and interaction. Great course, facilitator, well run, super informative with a very comprehensive coverage. "


Nationwide Group – David

"A lot of the information was not new to me, however it was presented in a way that refreshed previous knowledge and prompted fresh introspective. I think the live online format works well, people are more comfortable to contribute online."


Bitu-mill – Chris

"Justine was very engaging and relevant. Great program with a friendly and understanding leader. "


Keystone Radiology – Justin

"Justine is a wonderful facilitator. Justine has great energy from start to finish. It raised awareness in supervisors of the need for them to be leaders. "


Shelde – Fleur

"I really enjoyed the 90 min sessions - made it easier to focus knowing we only have a short time. I really thought it worked well, I loved the breakout rooms. It made it feel just like a normal in-house session."


Kemppi – David

"Brenda is very engaging and down to earth with a great appreciation of how people think and react. Good understanding of people “types” and needs and how to bring a team to appreciate its own value. Very practical and appropriate to our business. Very engaging and covered the issues pre-discussed. Brenda had good control of the team dynamic and opened up some communication issues and handling pressure situations."


Maritime Super – Georgia

"This program offered our people the opportunity to explore their potential in leadership skills, to inspire greater contribution to our organisation as well as their career and self-development. I intend to reinforce the types of leadership skills with my team. It has been an absolute pleasure working with Brenda right from the very beginning with planning for this program, our on-going interactions and the experience on the day of the workshop. Brenda exhibits effective facilitation skills and effective connection with every participant to allow for a supportive and comfortable learning environment. "


Nationwide Group – Eliza

"I’m really enjoying breaking out into smaller rooms to discuss scenarios and questions with different people. It makes the session very worthwhile and you feel less awkward contributing in the big group too. I’ve also taken some great things away to focus on for myself and activities to do with my team. Really enjoyed the session and learnt heaps!"


Credo - Matt

"Martin was great, very concise, knowledgeable and experienced. Really good scenarios and perspectives. Friendly, open and engaging. Thanks Martin! Great session!"


Reece Plumbing – Owen

"I would (and intend to) recommend this course. I feel better prepared in managing my team and am looking forward to making use of the skills and techniques I am now aware of. "


Monash University - Amanda

"Excellent content that was really relevant to my role and my future as a leader/manager. Really interested in using the skill/will model and applying GROW and also improving and increasing coaching. "


Tandem Building Group – Callum

"Mark is engaging and a great communicator. The program provided lots of practical examples and simple yet effective tools."


Swatch Group Australia – Maria

"I enjoyed the training. Justine had me very engaged and got us to proactively take part in activities. Can’t wait to implement what I have learnt. Thank you!! "


Cobden Health – Sandra

"Mark is an excellent presenter, gave good examples and managed to keep everyone engaged throughout the training sessions. Was great to be able to do face to face training (via Zoom) even though we are so restricted by Covid at present."


Barry Borzillo - Managing Director and CEO

"Since 2012 when we started working with ICML, they have consistently delivered exceptional leadership and business development training for our leaders and consultants at all levels. ICML have demonstrated from the beginning that they understand our business and tailor their programs to suit our goals and values. Through building our leadership capability, ICML have certainly contributed to Intrax’s remarkable growth. We enjoy working with ICML for their outstanding facilitators, tailored, enjoyable and practical workshops, customer service and meticulous organisation. "


Bitu-mill – Participant

"Justine was excellent – very engaging and also entertaining! Good mix of visuals, activities and “teaching”. "


Swatch Group Australia – Sam

"Mark is an engaging educator who instils confidence in those he teaches. His confidence in the course and what he is saying make the course more enjoyable and sinks into the memory bank a lot easier! Kudos!"


Berry Street - Catalina

"Lynne is really experienced, charming and has a great knowledge. Super recommended, fun to do!! Great learning."


Credo - Steve

"Martin adapted to the team exceedingly well and tailored the presentation ‘on the fly’. Is that not a testament to a ‘communication skills’ facilitator?"


Monash University - Jasmin

"Dana was a pleasure to listen to. She communicated the content of the workshop brilliantly and got us involved in discussion. She facilitated this workshop confidently and kept us engaged. "


Defence Health – Charms

"Mechelle was great and kept us engaged over the two days. The course info was relevant and something I could use each day at work. Good to have a booklet to refer to in the future. Really engaging and relevant to me. Included delegation which everyone wanted to improve. "


Forensicare – Lisa

"Thank you very much for a fantastic and very interactive 2-day course! I feel I have gained valuable knowledge and great feedback from the facilitator and the group. I will be able to put in place many of the strategies/advice/examples I experienced over the 2 days. Mechelle has a great knowledge base, friendly and very engaging. Gave everyone in the group an opportunity to be involved. "


Action on Disability with an Ethnic Community (ADEC) – Dolly

"Mechelle has been an absolutely amazing and engaging facilitator. She inspires me to come back for more learning. Course conducted really well and precise. Good course material too! Very beneficial as it is going to help me with my future role."


Falls Creek Resort - Stuart (CEO)

"Highly recommend ICML for personalised and personable training needs. The course was impactful, effective and provided action points for all members to take away and improve upon. Great investment!"


Costa - Marcela

"The program went above and beyond my expectations – all learnings will apply to both my professional and personal life. It was practical with plenty of day-to-day situations used as examples. Great engagement and direction and Suzanne kept everyone interested. I was able to work on some of my weaknesses whilst building up my strengths to improve my management and communication style. Thank you!"


Monash Business School - Jasmin

"The program covered information, skills and competencies that are very relevant to me professionally. Rob was excellent. Engaging. Knowledgeable. Likeable. Adaptable. He’s an engaging coach and trainer. I’m very grateful to have had this experience."


Berry Street - Renaye

"Mechelle was very engaging and was very skilled in managing a group made up of very different people. I had participant in some leadership training previously. This training allowed me to learn new skills and practice and further developing my existing skills. Mechelle tailored her approach effortlessly to meet the needs of the group. "


ThoughtWorks - Shelley

"Mechelle was excellent! She made the course fun and was really engaging - she built a great rapport with our group. Skills we learnt were extremely practical and we could all relate to the content. I now have plan I can put into place. I also liked that it was clear and we could all relate to the content. I really loved the course and I hope to apply the learnings in my career."


Cobild - Marvin

"People skills are very important in my position and this has helped greatly. Very thorough and skillful. Gave great examples that I could relate to. Made sense the way the day was organised. Very beneficial, took a lot out of it. Highly recommended."


MDA National Insurance – Sandra

"Really enjoyed this course, found it to be very timely now that I am stepping into a role as a leader, I appreciate the company investing in my development. The course was a lot of fun. Maggie was warm and genuine in her delivery style. The course helped me to identify ways to deal with current situations with the team and has given me confidence to deliver. Would recommend to colleagues in the business as I thing it is always good to have a refresher."


RJ Sanderson – Katrina

"The program provided tools to deal with relationships within the office, how we can achieve standards. Lynne didn’t drop a beat the whole time: engagement was excellent. "


Toxfree Karratha – Vincent

"Mark is an excellent presenter. Exceptional knowledge and a great teacher that uses great examples to demonstrate a point. Overall fantastic course. "


Best Friends Pets – Shari

"Mechelle was great, shared lots of experience and made sharing safe and comfortable. It was good as I have no management or leadership experience and have been brought into this role to help a team with poor culture and morale problems. It allowed me to observe and learn about specific ways to approach, observe and manage in the best possible manner. "


World Vision Australia – Rajesh

"During the course I had the opportunity to share the day-to-day challenges with Mechelle and get to learn many ways to cope when challenged. Learned many new things during the training and got involved in role plays."


RJ Sanderson – April

"The workshop was very informative and great examples of application that are relatable in my work life. Lynne is a delight to spend the day with. Lynne is very passionate and experienced: I had an entertaining and enjoyable day. "


MDA National Insurance – Danny

"Maggie is an enjoyable and experienced facilitator who brings the best out of the participant. This is an exceptional course that really pushes you outside your comfort zone. "


Tomingley Gold Operations – Kym

"Great stuff to hear real life experiences and referencing from a diverse range of sources. Loved the day, was awesome. "


Cobild - Simon

"First class. Great day and relevant for the future. Mark gave a precise, informative, beneficial and entertaining presentation. "


Victorian Ombudsman – Mark

"Exceeded my expectations, was very applicable to my work-life and the sharing of examples and working with others was beneficial. Maggie was extremely courteous and knowledgeable and explained topics clearly. "


Monash University - Brendan

"Maggie was fantastic, knowledgeable, informed and equipped with examples and research."


Toxfree Sydney - Helen

"Excellent – delivered content with ease, kept us captivated and threw in some humour for giggles – thoroughly enjoyed the course. I’ve been taught new skills to adapt my management style. Mark’s content was exceptional and kept us enthralled and he’s a funny guy too."


Victoria Police - Laura

"The course was really interesting and relatable to my current work situation. I would definitely recommend the course, very practical. Mark had relevant knowledge and examples."


RJ Sanderson - Sally

"The program reaffirmed my skills and the facilitation was engaging, entertaining and knowledgeable. Lynne was a fabulous, engaging presenter."


C. Kairouz Architects - Alex

"Two half days well spent! In a short amount of time I have acquired some important tools to improve my team’s performance and my feedback to them. Excellent and quick understanding of our context."


William Adams - Denise

"Renee was very engaging, knowledgeable, well spoken, very presentable. Facilitator/room interaction was enjoyable and insightful. It was great! One of the best workshops I’ve participated in!"


Corner Amcal Bairnsdale - Brendon

"A great session to quickly upskill key staff. The participants were motivated, as they absorbed the content and were excited to practise their new skills. It was a great refresher on communication and leadership."


Monash University - Rebecca

"Maggie was fantastic! Really informative, knowledgeable and provided a very supportive environment. An open environment to speak freely with colleagues. Some really great insights into communication styles and tactics."


Rinnai Australia - Stella Dimitrakas, Organisational Development Specialist

"On behalf of Rinnai, I would like to say a big thank you to ICML and Mark on the delivery of a professional “Essential Leadership Skills” program. It well exceeded the expectations of all participants. The overall feedback was excellent. The program content was very relevant and very interactive. Mark was thorough, knowledgeable, approachable, funny and very engaging in his delivery. We will not hesitate to use your organisation for any future training programs that we roll out at Rinnai. Well done!"


Best Friends Support Services - Maddy

"Renee is a fantastic speaker and great at conveying her message in an easily understandable way. The course exceeded expectation! Entertaining and super informative."


The Salvation Army Employment Plus - Will

"Renee!! She was fabulous, brilliant with her training. Loved every bit of the training, which added so much value altogether."


Intrax Consulting Engineers - Joe

"Renee was a great facilitator and the content was new and very useful. I can implement these models in day to day operations. Renee has a great ability to breakdown complex models with common examples."


DTI Corporation Australia Pty Ltd - Jemma

"Amazing facilitator. Have had many great ideas come to mind after hearing her experience."


GHD - Simon

"I would recommend this course as a fantastic application of Leadership skills and ideas."


RSPCA - Katie

"Renee was really great! Very informative, really relevant material. Was sad to finish the course."


Intrax Consulting Engineers - Jess

"Great facilitator, very easy to understand and a great person to learn from. These training days have been extremely beneficial and have helped me to grow."


Dial Before You Dig - Matt

"Very interactive – hands on which is what I loved. Not at all text book."


Exclusive Networks - Valerie

"I would highly recommend this course to other potential leaders. This course content is relevant and eye opening and the facilitator is very informed, experienced and hands on. My company’s money has been well spent!"


William Adams - Nicole

"The course was insightful and will provide many useful techniques to assist with coaching my team."


Rinnai Australia - Jan

"I really enjoyed the workshop – it made me think differently and how I can use different strategies to improve my management/leadership. Thanks Mark."


Fronius Australia - Ashlee

"I really enjoyed this course and feel as though I have gained some useful techniques I can implement into my development and the overall business development where I work. I would highly recommend."


Encore Music Distributors/AMEB - Rachel

"Renee has a very down to earth approach and is an engaging presenter. Very useful strategies, ideas and information to take away and use straight away. Lots of valuable tools and cohesive approach."


Rinnai Australia - Anne

"Having done many of these types of courses over the years – Marks approach was like a whiff of fresh air. Thanks Mark. The interaction and delivery was first class – I love to hear the variables and new ideas that will help my performance."


GWM Water - Chaitanya

"I am going out with a wealth of knowledge from this workshop."


Best Friends Support Services - Jessica

"Renee was amazing! Great knowledge and great presentation! I learnt so much. I would recommend the workshop, particularly for new managers and upcoming managers."


Cambridge University Press - Carolyn

"Renee was superb. I would highly recommend this course. Renee is a fantastic trainer and presented information in an easily manageable and understandable format."


William Adams - Ashleigh

"The course was engaging and informative delivered with passion and professionalism. Very beneficial to all leadership job roles, as well as personal leadership roles."


Gravity Zone - Kim

"I have a diploma in management and wasn’t sure if this course would be worth participating in. I was extremely happy to find the course beneficial. Renee’s coaching and commitment to making sure everyone in the course understood the concepts was fantastic."


IBM - David

"Would recommend for any potential leaders! Great structure, provided clarity of what I’m in for."


Rinnai Australia - Michael

"I found the course timely, informative and completely relative. All facets discussed and covered were beneficial and Renee was fantastic. Thank you!"


Jesuit Social Services

"The content was presented in a way that was appealing to a variety of learning styles. Renee was a great facilitator, very engaging, energetic, referred often to sources and references. Renee read the room really well and delivered the content accordingly – a great mix of presenting styles used (audio, visual, group, self-reflecting)."


Blue Star DM

"I found this course to be more than informative. The information on the day and the course material was amazing. I feel more motivated to get back to work and slowly implement everything I’ve learnt. Renee was awesome. Thank you!"