This recruitment and selection training program is designed for anyone responsible for recruiting new employees.
In this HR recruitment training course, participants will learn how to:
- Plan and manage the process from vacancy to induction
- Perform a role analysis
- Design a position description
- Write great job advertisements
- Choose the most promising candidates
- Develop a suite of assessment strategies
- Write behavioural interview questions
- Ask candidates the right questions
- Ask questions in the right way
- Probe responses
- Interview giving consideration to discrimination laws
- Ensure effective induction processes.
Delivered in-house at your premises or in a virtual environment
We deliver our training programs either through:
Tailored recruitment training
Delivering a recruitment and selection workshop as an in-house training program is economical and effective.
We boost your return on investment because we tailor the training experience:
- Content: you mix and match the recruitment training topics that are relevant. Some clients want us to cover the entire process in the recruitment training, others prefer us to focus only on an element, for instance interviewing techniques.
- Language: we’ll include your business info and terminology. Our sessions are most effective when we use your internal recruitment processes and documents. And if you find it valuable, we are happy to give feedback on continuous improvement of your existing recruitment process.
- Duration: depending on what you aim for and your available time and budget, we can deliver anything from a one-hour presentation to a multiple-day recruitment and selection training program and everything in between.
We also coach individuals to build recruitment and selection skills.
Ask us how we can tailor the program that suits your needs:
- call 1300 655 098
- start a chat at the bottom of our page
- send us a message