Immediate and Lasting Results
When you train with us, you’ll get both immediate and lasting results. We deliver insightful and captivating learning workshops that involve total immersion and development – not just a ‘hands-off’ lecture. We teach you how to learn on your own after our training. This makes you immediately more productive and it lasts! That’s why our learning model generates such a high return on investment in training.
Learning new things can be hard. At ICML we therefore try to make our sessions as interactive and engaging as we can. Don’t expect ‘chalk-‘n-talk’ training at ICML. Our facilitators do just that: they facilitate, rather than only lecture. Our expert facilitators are highly experienced in getting the very best out of you.
We use the latest scientific insights and translate them into highly practical everyday applications in the workplace. This means that you can directly relate what you learn to your own situation; it makes more sense and you will get inspired and motivated to make changes back at work. You’ll come back from our sessions full of ideas and enthusiasm to make a difference.
Learning in small groups of minimum 5 and maximum 14 people means that group sizes are ideal for great interaction, group discussions and personal attention. The facilitator aims to tailor the course specifically to the needs of each group. Therefore you know that you will get the maximum benefit out of your valuable time.
For more information on our learning model, click here.