10 tips for improving productivity while WFH

10 tips for improving productivity while WFH


After the advent of the COVID-19 pandemic, working from home largely became the norm. Many office employees either work remotely all the time or follow a hybrid system whereby they work from home two or three days a week. For some people, remote work can be a challenge because they don’t have the structure an office provides.

It can be incredibly difficult to stay focused and productive without on-site supervisors and with your bed and TV nearby. Fortunately, there’s a plethora of ways in which you can create your own structure that works for you. Have a look:

  1. Schedule your time:  Dedicate certain hours of the day to work, and ensure you adhere to that timetable. This will help you manage your projects and time properly. Sticking to your programme will prevent you from getting distracted by tasks not related to work.
  2. Create a dedicated workspace: Having a specific area in your home that’s solely for work can help you stay focused and be more productive. Make sure it’s well-lit and comfortable so that you enjoy working in it.
  3. Take breaks: Breaks are crucial to avoiding burnout. Without the occasional colleague stopping by to chat, it’s easy to get lost in work for hours on end. Step away from your work every few hours to take a walk, grab a snack, or just take a few deep breaths.
  4. Set priorities: Don’t approach your work haphazardly. Make a list of the tasks you need to accomplish each day and tackle them in order of importance. This will stop you from getting overwhelmed and panicked about your workload.
schedule, timetable, work, productivityBe sure to create a schedule to help you manage time and stay productive.
  1. Take advantage of technology: There are a ton of great tools and apps that can help you be more industrious when working from home. From project management software to the humble phone alarm, there’s something for everyone. Use them to your benefit!
  2. Stay organised: A messy workspace leads to a chaotic and less productive work day. Make sure to keep your work area tidy and organised. Take ten or so minutes every morning before work and every evening after work to prepare your desk (or whatever you use).
  3. Eliminate distractions: Remove all technologies and materials you don’t need for work. If you need to, turn off your phone, close social media apps or tabs, or wear noise-cancelling headphones to listen to music to keep you focused.
  4. Set boundaries: Let your loved ones (and coworkers) know when you’re working and when you’re available to chat, do chores, run errands and socialise. This will help you avoid getting interrupted during your workday and will allow you to focus on your work. It will also prevent your colleagues from bothering you about work at inappropriate hours.
  5. Treat yourself: Humans are quite simple creatures and respond well to positive reinforcement, whether from others or ourselves. Make sure to reward yourself for a job well done. This will help you stay motivated and productive. Choose a little prize you truly enjoy, whether that’s a glass of wine, a square of chocolate or an episode of your favourite TV show.
  6. Get enough sleep: The importance of ample sleep can’t be overstated. Be sure to get enough rest at night so that you can be alert and focused during your work hours. Also, focus on the quality of your sleep as it doesn’t help to get eight hours of bad sleep. If you work better on a biphasic sleep schedule, take a quick nap during your lunch break.

Still need a bit of help with WFH? Check out our working from home course, or contact us to discuss how we can assist you!

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