3 ways to make workplace wellbeing a priority this year
18 Apr 2019It’s difficult to imagine how a healthy staff and culture could not benefit your business.
Personally, it doesn’t take me long to create a whole list of potential positives, from a less stressful work environment to better productivity due to reduced sickness. In fact, a report created by Comcare contains stats that show sick leave absenteeism is decreased by 25.3 per cent with the use of worksite health promotion programs.
Have you considered how you can make workplace wellbeing a priority this year?
1. Emotional intelligence
Emotional intelligence, or EQ, helps employees separate themselves from their emotions and better control how they react to different scenarios. It also assists in allowing staff to more accurately recognise how colleagues are feeling. Developing emotional intelligence in your workplace can improve interactions and promote healthier and more courageous conversations around wellbeing.
Here’s how you can improve EQ within your workplace this year:
- Lead by example – Emotionally self-aware leaders, through their actions, are likely to encourage employees to reflect more on how their feelings are impacting their actions.
- Offer assertiveness training – Assertive behaviour means your staff are more likely to vocalise any emotions they’re feeling in a productive and respectful manner, rather than bottling them up. This also helps employees consider others before speaking, as assertive communication is as much about others as yourself.
- Encourage ‘I feel’ statements – I’ve noticed that if I state ‘I’m angry about…’, it becomes a lot more personal and intrinsic. However, instead, saying ‘I feel angry about…’ creates some distance and allows me to step back from the emotion. It’s a small but simple adjustment that helps your staff become more aware of their moods.

2. Mindfulness at work
Mental health is an essential part of wellbeing. In 2017, 31 per cent of Australian workers used leave for mental health or stress, according to a study completed by finder.com.au. Encouraging mindfulness in your workplace is one way you can help combat this problem and potentially improve mental health. Of course, I think it’s important to note you shouldn’t force employees to practice mindfulness, but make it available for those who wish to try.
Some of the ways you can do this is by providing your staff with mindfulness training, or setting aside a room in your offices they can go to for a few minutes of quiet. You could even create a routine, where every morning your team gathers for a set period of time and simply focuses on being present and noticing your breathing.
3. Team building
Team building activities are a great way to both develop cohesion in your workplace and improve its wellbeing. Discuss with your employees what type of activities they’d enjoy getting involved with, and schedule time in to get out of the office and do something different. Some options include:
- Sporting events – This is a great option for encouraging physical wellbeing through exercise, as well as developing teamwork.
- Volunteering – Spending time helping others boosts morale, assisting with employee mental health.
If you’d like to know more about how ICML can help you improve employee wellbeing at your organisation, reach out to the team today.