4 tips for avoiding typos in your business writing
02 Sep 2014
Business writing is tough. You have to create a piece that is engaging, informative and unique. Not only that, but you also need to be constantly on guard for typos and grammatical errors.
Most readers can be fickle and cruel. If they spot a spelling mistake in your text, it is likely that they will make harsh judgements regarding your authority on the subject of the paper.
This is why business writing training is so essential. Having the best possible skills under your belt will ensure your articles are easy to read and typo-free.
To get you started, here are four quick tips to make proof reading your articles a breeze.
Get a second opinion
It is scientifically proven that it’s difficult to spot your own typos. Re-reading your work should help you correct certain mistakes, but even obvious errors can pass by right under your nose.
This is why it is crucial that you ask someone else to review your work. A fresh pair of eyes can easily catch the typos you missed, which is why readers are likely to pick up on your errors.
A trusted proof-reader can also help you identify when things don’t make sense, so try to share the work with someone in the same profile as your target audience.
Don’t rely on spell-checkers
Not every typo is a spelling mistake, so don’t rely solely on spell-checkers. The little red underline can be helpful in some circumstances. However, if the error is related to grammar, a name or numbers, this software is unlikely to be of any assistance.
Check numbers, email addresses and URLs
Before hitting publish, take some time to check the numbers and URLs you have included. Even one wrong digit can have dire consequences as your readers are directed to the wrong site or phone line!
Read everything
For time-poor writers, it can be tempting to scan the body of the text and move on. However, it is important to read every word before hitting send. You may be surprised by how many errors you catch in the titles, footnotes and sourcing you find!