Two quick tips for writing a precise feasibility study.

How to write a persuasive feasibility study


As a business leader, every now and then you will come up with a brain-busting idea. But what does it take to turn this idea into a tangible plan?

Most quality business writing training courses give individuals the skills required to write a feasibility study.

What is a feasibility study?

As the name suggests, this kind of study is an in-depth look into the viability of an idea. It should include answers to the essential questions. Primarily, it should provide evidence for the continuation of the project.

It is important to remember that a feasibility study is not a business case, which has a separate role. The study is an investigation that aims to narrow the scope of the project, either focusing on two or three options or offering a range of alternatives to a dominant approach.

On the other hand, a business case would focus in depth on one option and provide the necessary justification for a proposed initiative.

Two tips when writing a feasibility study

An investigation into the feasibility of an idea is critical to business development. For many it is the point of no return. With this in mind, here are two quick tips to make sure your feasibility study is on point.

1. Be precise

Like all good business writing, being precise is a key skill. Make sure your writing is focused, exact and error-free.

Write three key goals onto post-it notes and stick them to your computer screen. Refer to them when you get off track and they should refresh your direction.

2. Focus on feasibility

I know this might seem strange, but so many studies fail because they lose track of their reason for existing.

Feasibility studies have one aim: to communicate that the project is economically viable if it proceeds based on the approaches set out in the study.

Use the facts at your disposal and stay away from any romantic language.

For more information about writing feasibility studies or business writing training, get in touch with the Institute for Communication, Management and Leadership.

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