Is it time you had a chat with your staff about hygiene?

“You stink!” 4 tough conversations you need to have


The idea of sitting an employee down for a difficult conversation can make some managers want to turn tail and run. However, there are some topics that need to be addressed sooner rather than later for the benefit of your entire team.

If you’ve been avoiding a tough discussion with someone on your team, you may want to consider investing in assertiveness skills training. The more confident and competent you are, the easier these conversations should feel.

Unfortunately, there are always going to be certain topics that make people feel uncomfortable. Instead of turning away and pretending these issues don’t exist, here are four challenging conversations that you need to face in the workplace.

“You stink”

Personal hygiene issues are always going to make people uncomfortable. Whether it’s bad body odour or dirty fingers on company property, ignoring this issue could have serious consequence.

If other employees can’t concentrate on their work, don’t want to partner with a smelly colleague or avoid using certain tools because of grime, productivity can be severely impacted.

Fortunately, this conversation doesn’t need to be difficult as long as you are open and honest with the individual.

“Your work stinks”

When you notice an employee’s work has been slipping recently, take them aside as soon as possible to discuss the reasons why.

Instead of ignoring the problem and letting it become a major issue, tackling the topic early can help workers get back on track.

“Your ethics stink”

If a worker has been acting inappropriately, it can be difficult to put into words why you don’t appreciate their behaviour.

However, it is important to have this conversation as soon as possible. If not, an employee may assume their actions are okay and become set in their ways.

“Your clothing choices stink”

Your workplace has a dress code for a reason. Whether it is for safety or because employees regularly meet with clients, following this set of rules is crucial.

When workers violate dress codes, be firm with them. Explain the reasons behind the rules and don’t be afraid to ask them to change.

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