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All Burnt Out? 3 Tips That Will Help Re-Energise Your Team
04 Feb 2015
Motivating staff and keeping them engaged and on-task is a crucial part of leadership. However, what can you do if general enthusiasm around your team begins to wane?
Dishing out the sugary fizzy drinks or double espresso’s is one thing, but the following tips can help you re-energise your team without rotting their teeth:
Relate to your staff
Being the boss can put you up on a pedestal. Staff will be quick to assume that you won’t understand or appreciate their problems as your position of power may make you appear unrelatable.
Whether in a one-to-one situation or in your next meeting, showing empathy is key in instilling energy back into the workplace.
Sharing stories about similar work-related frustrations or merely cracking the occasional joke will help humanise you as a boss, and ultimately help boost motivation.
Make room for informality
The corporate environment can be incredibly prim and proper – forcing employees to tow the party line or be branded as outcasts. Allowing some informality into your team is key in keeping them on track and motivated.
If the business is not customer facing, encouraging dress-down days or merely having a sufficient break room or area where employees can go and relax can really help change the energy of any office for the better.
Allow your team to better themselves
Managing performance can be difficult if you are burdened with keeping track of the minutia of several peoples progress – even if you’re well versed in the nuances of leadership training.
Giving employees the freedom to grow at their own rate can give you more space – but also encourage increased self motivation.
Your team should be allowed to engage in projects which are not only bettering their performance at work – but also encourage them to make more of an effort to improve as people, too.